
Rhiannon Hunt

Permanent Education Recruitment Consultant - International

Where are you from?

Cardiff, Wales

What's your past work experience?

I have over 4+ years of recruitment experience across a range of different sectors such as tech, business support, finance in the UK and now education here in Melbourne. I have worked closely with councils in the public sector and small to enterprise scale businesses in the private sector and 'maintaining qualitative relationships with my clients and candidates is why I have always loved recruitment!

Tell us about yourself...

I'm a big foodie, I love spending all of my income on going out for food and trying new cuisines, (although south east Asian food is my current favourite!) and finding new coffee shops to buy an overpriced latte is my favourite hobby. I'm also known for my horrendous dad jokes and always open to expanding my dad joke library, so please always share your best!

My interesting fact is that David Hasselhoff follows me on Twitter, although most likely unfollowed me by now after realising his mistake!

What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

My favourite quote is "rejection is redirection" which especially in recruitment, rings true for any occasion where you may not get the role you initially wanted, as something better will follow instead!

If we held an office talent show, I’d wow everyone with my...

I speak fluent Welsh and can pronounce the longest town name in Europe (after preparing by taking a large deep breath!).