I Never Thought I Would Host a Podcast –How Did I End Up Here?
If you had told me a few years ago that I would be hosting the relief teachers podcast in the latter years of my career, I probably would have laughed - or cried. Obviously, I love a good conversation - anyone who’s worked with me knows I do have the occasional opinion to share - but I never imagined a podcast was a possibility. But here we are, and I have to say, it has been one of the more enjoyable experiences of my career.
From the Classroom to the Mic
Like most of our listeners, my journey in education started in the classroom. And to be honest, while I have had a range of roles over the years, including many years in the principal class, and even stints at tertiary level, it has always been classroom teaching that attracted me. Yes, I was one of that rare and peculiar breed that taught throughout my principal years; I just could never give up the classroom. I still love the whole idea of teaching, and while I no longer work in schools, I am still engaged in curriculum planning and delivery in a wide variety of settings. One of these, of course, is with Tradewind, where I work with my wonderful colleague Terry Twomey, mentoring and supporting Casual Relief Teachers (CRTs) who play such a crucial role in our schools. Teaching is hard work, rewarding but demanding, and our CRTs do an outstanding job in often the most challenging of circumstances. To be able to support them, to ensure they feel prepared, valued, and supported in a profession that often overlooks them is a remarkable opportunity.
So, when the chance arose during COVID to put together a weekly webinar and some initial podcasts, to connect with CRTs and support them through a really challenging time, it was too good to miss. A bit like COVID, we never saw it coming, but we seized the chance and one thing led to another. And here we are!
The Podcast Idea Takes Shape
What surprised us initially was the response from CRTs. We had regular viewers on the weekly webinar, clearly enjoying not just the content but the connection and collegiality. And with the the relief teachers podcast, we were amazed to see how many people were listening – not just in Australia but around the world. Clearly, there was a gap in the market, particularly the relief teaching market, and we were thrilled to be able to provide the support.
Relief teaching can feel isolating at times - you don’t always have colleagues to debrief with at the end of the day, and professional development opportunities aren’t always designed with CRTs in mind. So we thought, why not create something just for CRTs? A space where we could tackle the real challenges, share insights from experienced educators, and offer professional development that is actually useful.
And instead of making it overly formal or scripted, we wanted it to feel like sitting down for a chat with a mentor, or your colleagues - relatable, practical, and maybe even a little bit entertaining. So in 2024, we enlisted the help of two outstanding teachers, Helen Thomadis and Sue Muir, and the weekly Tradewind Relief Teachers Podcast was off and running.
Both Helen and Sue have been invaluable. Helen is a long-term leading teacher in the primary sector with a wealth of experience at all levels, and Sue worked as a Welfare Co-ordinator in secondary schools. What they have to offer in practical experience is unsurpassed.
So we have the team, covering all bases. Terry with multiple years of experience as a secondary Principal, and still working as a consultant with schools and the education department, Helen and Sue still working with students across both primary and secondary. Great expertise, great knowledge and all with a sense of humour and fun. How could we not enjoy it?
Learning as I Go
Hosting a the relief teachers podcast is a lot like teaching - you’re constantly learning. And the trick is to plan, and then have the capacity to go with the flow, always with the outcome in mind. I had to get comfortable with a microphone, which can feel a little intimidating at first, and learn the art of making it all feel very natural. Listening is key. While it is easy to have a set of questions ready to roll, what works best is to be highly tuned to what is going on around you, and respond. If it is getting a little off track, pull it back, keep an eye on not just what my fellow panellists are saying, but their body language as well, ready to jump in if required, but also to stay quiet when that is the better choice. As I said, a lot like teaching; you are always fully alert and engaged.
I’ve been incredibly lucky to have amazing colleagues - Terry, Sue, and Helen. All experienced experts in their field and people who genuinely care about making a difference in education. Every episode is a new opportunity to learn, to share, and to connect with teachers who might be listening on their way to work, or winding down after a long day.
Why This Matters
What I love most about this podcast is the feedback we get from listeners. When someone tells me that an episode gave them a new strategy to try, helped them feel more confident walking into a classroom, or simply reassured them that they’re not alone - that’s what makes it all worth it.
Teaching, and especially relief teaching, is unpredictable. You never quite know what the day will throw at you. But what I do know is that having the right support, hearing from people who understand, and feeling part of a community can make all the difference.
So if you’re a CRT, whether you’re just starting out or have been doing this for years, the relief teachers podcastis for you. I never thought I’d be hosting it, but now, I can’t imagine not doing it. And if you’ve been listening along - thank you. Be assured, we all love the opportunity to connect.
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