
Teachers! Have You Considered Going International?

May 2023 by Tradewind Australia

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The Australian government recently announced a huge $328 million investment to address the critical Teacher shortage across our nation. As that money will take some time to filter out, my focus as the General Manager of Education here at Tradewind is what I can do to help schools right now.

Here, I’d like to share more details about our work to provide international teaching opportunities to our Teacher friends currently overseas. If you’re an international Teacher who’s toyed with the idea of moving to Australia, I hope you find the following information interesting, and that it encourages you to make the fantasy of coming to our beautiful sunny shores to teach a reality (hot tip: we can help!).

The Tradewind Difference

With a host of open teaching jobs in Australia, the Department of Education put out a tender to recruitment agencies last year with the aim of engaging and encouraging international Teachers to come and work in the land of Oz.

The tender process saw the government providing a list of Teacher roles that needed filling, as well as the sponsorships for them. It was then over to us as recruitment agencies to actually find Teachers open to taking on overseas teaching jobs for a minimum of two years. And it had to be done in a very limited timeframe – 7.5 months to be exact.

But this was a challenge we gladly accepted!

So far, we’ve placed a number of international Teachers into Victorian schools and have offers in front of another dozen or so.

Before I get to how we can support you, I’d like to give you a brief rundown of the reasons why you’ll enjoy moving to Australia.

What an Australian Teaching Job Offers You

At the risk of sounding like a tourism ad, I think the weather tops the list! Coming from a country that experiences its fair share of grey rainy days, you’ll definitely appreciate the warm sunny climate.

Our schools also offer a diverse range of teaching opportunities, from working in urban schools to regional and remote communities. This can be a great chance to experience different teaching environments and make a difference in the lives of students who may face unique challenges.

Australia's education system is renowned for being innovative and forward-thinking, with a strong focus on technology and personalised learning. As a Teacher, you'll have access to some of the latest teaching methods and resources, which can help you develop professionally.

In addition to your four weeks of annual leave, there’s around 12 weeks of school holidays. While some of is spent preparing for the following term, you’ll still have plenty of time to visit the natural wonders of our beautiful country, from beaches to rainforests to the outback and more.

Right now, most of our international teaching opportunities are located in the state of Victoria, so you might like to read more about what teaching in Melbourne is like. While you’re at it, you can peruse this personal experience about moving here to teach.

How Tradewind Supports You In Making The Move

There are many ways we help you when you decide to come to Australia to teach. It starts with ensuring you secure the right role for your circumstances. And as overseas teaching jobs involve quite a bit of red tape, we have lots of resources in place to help you navigate them.

For instance, our current cohort of international Teachers taking up a role in Victoria have access to our Direct Account Manager at the Victoria Institute of Teaching (the governing body for teacher registration), and the Department of Education.

We also tee up our overseas Teachers with a migration agent to sort out the immigration and visa details, with costs covered by the government. If needed, we can offer advice about things such as setting up bank accounts or sourcing accommodation.


I hope this has given you a clearer picture of the work we’ve been doing to support Victorian schools with the ongoing Teacher shortage. But I’d like to highlight that we’re not stopping at Victoria. We’d like to expand our reach into New South Wales soon too, so you have an additional lovely location to consider.

 As the process of moving to Australia has its challenges, you can be assured you have the full support of our Education Team at Tradewind, every step of the way. Consider us your career partner and guide to Australia! Please free feel to directly connect with me or one of our recruitment specialists if you’d like to find out more about teaching jobs in Australia.