I am fast approaching the conclusion of my mini-series blog detailing the 5 things I love about Support Workers. For myself, I have thoroughly enjoyed writing my thoughts down and placing a well-deserved spotlight on the incredible individuals who have chosen this career pathway.
For this part of my blog, I have chosen to explore the impact they have on those they are providing care for, and also try to elaborate on the way they make a difference.
Reason #4: Support Workers Make a Difference

For many, the idea of a complete stranger entering their home (whether it be the family home that has seen their children grow up in and grandchildren love to visit, or perhaps it is their cosy home within a lovely retirement village) can be unsettling. The thought of someone they do not know and trust entering their family home can be quite confronting. Perhaps for some, the acceptance that they may need assistance in completing the basic tasks around the home they have been doing for decades would be enough to make them feel incredibly vulnerable. Family members and friends may also have concerns initially. I know for myself I would have questions to ask when my grandfather needs assistance.
However, after working with some of the best support workers available for a year, I would be more than happy for anyone from my team of support workers to provide my loved ones with care.
Reflecting on the crazy year that has been, I often recall many examples of the amazing ways my team have made a difference to their clients. Some of these examples include; providing toilet paper back when it was a rarity to find on the supermarket shelves, returning to a client’s home after their husband had just walked over the freshly mopped floors, or simply taking the last 5 minutes of their shift to share a cup of tea and have a chat. Sometimes, it is the little gestures that make the biggest difference.
Often, our vulnerable loved ones can feel lonely. Especially during the current restrictions. To them, simply having a support worker in their home who is happily listening to their stories, eagerly writing down their recipes to try at home, or simply looking at old photo albums, these can all make their week. For their loved ones, knowing that the support worker providing care to their mum or day is making such a difference to their parent/s, makes all the difference to them also. The simple fact that many of their clients look forward to their next visit, and it is not uncommon for them to be waiting at the front door, is enough to illustrate how much of a difference they are making.
Closing Thoughts
I know that there will be a few of my team that read this and will simply respond with “okay, fine, but Chris, they make a difference in my life more”. This may be the case; however, this is very typical of many support workers. To be so humble and not notice just how much of a difference they are contributing each and every second of every service they complete.
Look out for the next blog in this series where I will discuss more reasons why I love Support Workers, and feel free to get in touch if you are looking for a Support Work job or have a role you need to fill in Victoria. I’d be happy to help with all your Support Worker recruitment needs.